Center for Caring is an online resource for information on emerging physical, mental and social issues impacting the health of older adults. Whether a patient, caregiver, or healthcare provider, the Center for Caring offers a wide range of educational content and eLearning opportunities on relevant aging topics from trusted sources in geriatric health. This important work was funded by the Michigan Health Endowment Fund as a grant to support an education collaborative between the Michigan Health Council (MHC) and Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. Read more about the grant award here.
The Michigan Health Council is a Michigan-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a culture of health with health professionals at the heart of the delivery system. MHC provides innovative products and services to help health care organizations meet their missions. Learn more at www.mhc.org.
Aging well means preserving quality of life, independence, and overall health. Here you can learn about the importance of maintaining a vibrant, socially active lifestyle, staying engaged in your community, and planning for the future to age in place successfully. Click here to access healthy aging resources.
Just like keeping your body healthy, it's important to keep your brain fit. Leading a brain-healthy lifestyle includes eating a balanced diet, managing stress and being socially active, getting physical exercise, and doing brain exercises. So to keep your brain healthy you need to get moving, eat smart, get enough sleep, have fun, and play games throughout your lifetime. Click here to access cognitive health resources.
As the number of providers trained in geriatrics continues to decline, primary care providers will play a greater role in addressing the unique physical health, behavioral health, and social needs of seniors and their caregivers. Here, you will find resources on Social Determinants of Health, information to pass on to patients and caregivers, valuable assessment tools for fall risks, and information on medication management. Click here to access clinical care resources.
Personal health literacy is how well a person can find, grasp, and use facts to make good health choices, and follow health care guidance. Organizational health literacy is how well an organization can support its patients to grasp and use facts that will help them make good health choices and follow health guidance. Both are incredibly important to achieving positive health outcomes. Click here to access health literacy resources.