Brain Health
As we age, our brains change. We grow new connections and repair broken connections. You may have noticed how you make decisions, remember, and take in new information is different today than it was when you were younger. The process is called "neuroplasticity", or the ability of the brain to change throughout the lifetime. Most changes in your brain are normal. Some are not. You can keep your brain healthy by doing puzzles, eating healthy, exercising, and maintaining an active social life. ​
Community Resources
Cleveland Clinic offers an interactive platform designed to provide individualized brain health assessment tools, lifestyle tips, and medical news here.
The Alzheimer's Association has some valuable tips for maintaining a healthy brain such as eating healthy, staying physically active, exercising your mind, and keeping socially active.​ Read the Alzheimer's Association's 10 Ways to Love Your Brain, here.
Find additional information on Alzheimer's Disease and other dementia disorders on their website.
The National Institute on Aging offers articles on the latest research on cognitive disorders like Alzheimer's Disease and other forms of Dementia. Find links to their latest publications, here.
More information from The National Institute on Aging can be found on their website.
Educational Materials
The Cleveland Clinic promotes the Six Pillars of Brain Health: Physical exercise, Food and Nutrition, Medical Health, Sleep and Relaxation, Mental Fitness, and Social Interaction. Read more about healthy brains, here.
Educational Videos
Everyday Brain: The Changing Brain – AARP
Brain Foods for Brain Health - UC Davis Health
Brain health strategies -- why and how we can prevent cognitive decline | Roger Anunsen | TEDxSalem
Aging and cognitive abilities | Processing the Environment | MCAT | Khan Academy